Am I Judgment Proof? (2024)

Lee en español: ¿Seré Yo Una Prueba de Sentencia Para Cobros?

What does it mean to be “judgment proof?”

“Judgment proof” is not a legal term, although we often receive requests for a legal definition of the phrase at the Law Library. In layman’s terms, a person is judgment proof when they have no collectable income or assets. In this case, it makes no sense for a creditor to take that person to court, because even if the creditor wins the suit and obtains a judgment, the creditor will not be able to collect.

People with very little income and property, and no expectation of a change for the better, have little to lose if they are sued by a creditor. You cannot go to jail for bad debt. California Constitution Article 1, Section 10. Both state and federal laws protect essentials such as basic clothing, ordinary household furnishings, food, and Social Security and disability benefits from being taken to pay for a judgment. 42 U.S.C. § 407; California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) §§ 704.010 – 704.210.

If your credit rating is already badly damaged, doing nothing in response to a creditor’s lawsuit could be an effective way of dealing with the situation.

A true judgment proof debtor is not employed and has no future prospects of finding employment, lives on government pensions or retirement, and has no funds in his or her checking or savings accounts that do not stem directly from exempt (protected) funds.

Can someone who is judgment proof still receive a judgment against them?

Yes! Being judgment proof does not mean that a court does not have the authority to grant a collection agency or other private creditor a judgment against you. If a creditor sues you, the court will decide based on the evidence presented by both parties, the law, and common sense. If you don’t respond to the case, the creditor will win the lawsuit by default. This is known as a “default judgment.”

If you owe old debts and a collection agency has notified you of its intent to sue, being judgment proof can protect you from some of the more nasty consequences of losing a collection agency lawsuit, such as wage garnishment, property liens, and bank account levies from debt collectors. (See our guides “How to Ask the Court to Stop or Reduce a Wage Garnishment” and “How to Ask the Court to Stop or Reduce a Bank Levy,” for more information).

If you are “judgment proof,” writing your creditors or plaintiff’s attorney to explain your situation may convince them not to bother suing you. A sample of such a letter is available from Public Counsel.

Remember, however, that just because you are judgment proof, this does not mean that a creditor can and will not sue you in order to seek, and obtain, a judgment against you.

How long can a judgment remain on a credit report?

Judgments, which are detrimental to your credit rating, typically remain on your credit report for seven years. In California, however, judgments can be enforced for up to ten years and then renewed ad infinitum as soon as five years after that. CCP §§ 683.010 – 683.220. Personal debts under $50,000, including credit cards and other consumer debt, are limited to one renewal, for just five years. CCP §§ 683.110.

The renewal can result in a judgment appearing or re-appearing on your credit report for much longer than the standard seven-year reporting period. See the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.

Free credit reports

The Fair Credit Reporting Act permits consumers to request a free copy of their credit report once every 12 months from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the agencies have been voluntarily permitting one report per week, and in September 2023, they made that permanent.

You can obtain your free credit report:

Over the Internet:

On the phone: call 1-877-322-8228.

Contact the specific agencies to request reports and corrections:

P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013-0949

Trans Union
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022

Keep in mind!

A person’s judgment proof status can change at any time if income increases. People can find a job, win the lottery, or receive an inheritance!

Can a creditor collect from me if they obtain a judgment?

A consumer may be immune to one form of judgment collection, yet susceptible to another. For example, although a collection agency cannot hope to garnish the wages of an individual who is unemployed, if that individual owns a home the judgment creditor may be able to place a lien against that home. The individual would not be able to sell the home without paying the creditor out of the proceeds.

In addition, the fact that the individual is not currently working does not mean that he or she does not have money in his or her checking and/or savings accounts. As long the money in his or her bank accounts is not exempt (protected) from garnishment, as are child support payments and government benefit checks, the collection agency may request a bank levy and seize the individual’s banking accounts.

Can I avoid a judgment?

If a collection agency knows prior to filing suit that it will be unable to collect upon a judgment debt, it is less likely to incur the expense of a lawsuit to obtain that judgment. It is possible that notifying the collection agency of your judgment proof status will prevent a lawsuit.

Remember, however, that just because you are judgment proof does not mean that the creditor will not sue you in order to get, and receive, a judgment against you. Some, if not most, collection agency attorneys are hired only to obtain a judgment against a debtor; collection of that debt is someone else’s job.

This material is intended as general information only. Your case may have factors requiring different procedures or forms. The information and instructions are provided for use in the Sacramento County Superior Court. Please keep in mind that each court may have different requirements. If you need further assistance consult a lawyer.

Am I Judgment Proof? (2024)


Am I Judgment Proof? ›

To recap, generally, you become judgment proof when you: aren't working or have a very low-paying job, or your only source of income is government benefits. don't own many or any assets such as money in a bank account, investments, or equity in real estate.

How do you know if your judgement is proof? ›

You are judgment proof if: All of your income is exempt: you do not have any income that companies are allowed to take from you unless you agree to give it to them, AND. You do not have any assets or property that companies are allowed to take from you unless you agree to give it to them.

What makes a person judgement proof? ›

In layman's terms, a person is judgment proof when they have no collectable income or assets. In this case, it makes no sense for a creditor to take that person to court, because even if the creditor wins the suit and obtains a judgment, the creditor will not be able to collect.

How to answer a judgement against you? ›

You must fill out an Answer, serve the other side's attorney, and file your Answer form with the court within 30 days. If you don't, the creditor can ask for a default. If there's a default, the court won't let you file an Answer and can decide the case without you.

Do debt validation letters really work? ›

While debt validation requests can be a useful tool, they are not effective at resolving the issue. In most cases, creditors and collection agencies are able to provide the necessary documentation to prove the validity of the debt.

What makes a Judgement void? ›

Judgment is a void judgment if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of. the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due. process, Fed. Rules Civ.

Do judgement proof letters work? ›

In fact, it's a bit of a misnomer because the creditor can sue you and get a judgment. But the creditor can't collect on the judgment. So, you can still have a judgment of record against you, but the creditor can't collect on it. However, most creditors won't bother to sue if they know that you're judgment proof.

What are 3 types of Judgement? ›

When a creditor desires to collect a debt from a debtor, they must first receive a judgment. There are several types of judgments that will suffice in this situation. The pretrial types of judgments are as follows: Confession of Judgment, Consent Judgment, Default Judgment.

Can a creditor get a judgement without me knowing? ›

Although it shouldn't happen, people have judgments entered against without their knowledge frequently. It may happen if you did not receive the original summons in the mail or you recently moved addresses.

What are the 3 elements of judgment? ›

But the judgment is composed of three elements: subject, attribute, and copula. To these three elements of the judgment correspond the three elements of the proposition: two terms, which express the subject and predicate or attribute, and the copula, which unites them.

How do you fight an unfair Judgement? ›

File a Motion for Reconsideration

A motion for reconsideration includes a written brief containing the reasons why you and your legal team believe the decision was unfair or biased. In addition to the written brief, there may be oral arguments before the judge.

Can a judgement be reversed? ›

As long as you have a reasonable excuse and a meritorious defense, the judge should grant the Motion to Vacate and vacate the judgment against you. If you want to argue lack of jurisdiction because you were not served with a Summons, you must do it at this time.

What you say can be used against you in court? ›

Miranda rights (also known as Miranda warnings) outline the following rights: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

How do you prove you don't owe a debt? ›

Collect any documentation or evidence that supports your claim. This can include bank statements, payment records, contracts, or any other relevant documents that prove you are not responsible for the debt. Make sure to keep copies of all communication with the debt collector as well.

What proof must a debt collector provide? ›

Once the collection company gets the letter, it must stop trying to collect the debt until it sends you written verification of the debt, like a copy of the original bill for the amount you owe.

What happens when a collector does not answer a debt validation letter? ›

In the end, the debt collection agency might offer no response to your debt validation letter simply because they know they can't legally validate the debt. To continue to pursue the debt, they have to come up with proof. If they can't, the collection calls must stop and you've won the fight!

What makes a Judgement valid? ›

A valid judgment is a decision made by a court or other legal authority that is legally binding and enforceable. It is a judgment that is made in accordance with the law and is not subject to challenge or appeal.

How do you know if you have good Judgement? ›

Good judgment is about making the best decision rather than relying on your own opinion. By listening to others, you can collect and assess important information that applies to your decision. Asking open-ended questions and waiting to form a decision can help you can make a more informed final decision.

What are the evidence of good Judgement? ›

The Solution. This article identifies six components that contribute to good judgment: learning, trust, experience, detachment, options, and delivery. By working on each, leaders can improve their ability to make sense of an ambiguous situation.

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