Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid (2024)

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22:00:02 24-05-2024
Variatie 5 dagen Verschilt.o.v.1jan(%)
20,96 USD +0,77% Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid (1) +10,14% -11,04%
20/05 PowerSchool trekt belangstelling van Warburg Pincus voor overname MT
20/05 Sectorupdate: Tech aandelen stijgen laat in de middag MT

PowerSchool heeft aangekondigd dat Plan Ceibal, het ambitieuze 1-op-1-instructieprogramma van Uruguay, het gebruik van PowerSchool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning als primair leermanagementsysteem heeft uitgebreid en nu 800.000 leerlingen in het hele land bedient. Door Schoology Learning heeft Plan Ceibal verbeteringen gezien in het creëren van meer op maat gemaakte curricula, de samenwerking tussen leerlingen en leraren, en het vergemakkelijken van instructie door middel van blended learning-omgevingen. Sinds 2014 heeft Plan Ceibal Schoology Learning gebruikt om de reguliere instructie en de betrokkenheid van leerlingen en leraren te verbeteren, wat vooral tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie zijn nut heeft bewezen. Ondanks de aanvankelijke uitdagingen waarmee scholen over de hele wereld werden geconfronteerd bij de snelle omschakeling naar online instructie in 2020, was Plan Ceibal dankzij Schoology Learning voorbereid op de snelle omschakeling, waardoor meer dan 93% van de leerlingen en 94% van de leraren in Uruguay dat jaar gebruik maakten van het platform. Sindsdien zijn meer dan 800.000 leerlingen en 45.000 leraren binnen het Plan Ceibal-programma nu regelmatige gebruikers van Schoology Learning.


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Grafiek PowerSchool Holdings, Inc.

Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid (2)

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PowerSchool Holdings, Inc. is een leverancier van cloud-gebaseerde software voor K-12-onderwijs in Noord-Amerika. Het bedrijf brengt leerlingen, leerkrachten, beheerders en ouders met elkaar in contact, met het gezamenlijke doel om de resultaten van leerlingen te verbeteren. Van kantoor tot klaslokaal tot thuis, helpt het scholen en districten bij het beheren van staatsrapportage en gerelateerde compliance, speciaal onderwijs, financiën, personeelszaken, talent, registratie, aanwezigheid, financiering, leren, instructie, beoordeling en analyse in één uniform platform. Haar suite van cloud-oplossingen helpt K-12 districten en scholen bij het beheren van een reeks bedrijfskritische functies, bestaande uit PowerSchool SIS, PowerSchool Enrollment, PowerSchool Communities, PowerSchool Communication, PowerSchool Insights, PowerSchool Classroom, PowerSchool Talent en PowerSchool Administration. Het is ook een leverancier van financiële budgetterings- en planningssoftware voor de K-12-sector. Het bedrijf ondersteunt wereldwijd meer dan 50 miljoen leerlingen en verkoopt zijn oplossingen in meer dan 95 landen.




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Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid (3)


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Vaira. 1 jan. Kapi.


-11,04% 3,45mld.


+14,39% 3.174mld.


+14,08% 89,44mld.


+8,04% 80,2mld.


-12,11% 55,78mld.


+22,36% 46,14mld.


-29,01% 45,34mld.


+31,67% 45,25mld.


+77,73% 41,2mld.


-3,95% 26,11mld.

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  5. Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid
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Powerschool kondigt Plan Ceiba aan, dat zijn gebruik van Powerschool Unified Classroom® Schoology Learning heeft uitgebreid (2024)


Is PowerSchool connected to Schoology? ›

This on-demand demo showcases how PowerSchool Schoology Learning, part of the Personalized Learning Cloud, helps every student find the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. It provides a place where educators and families can come together to support that journey.

How do I login to PowerSchool as a teacher? ›

Ask a teacher or staff member at your school to provide you with the PowerSchool URL for your school or school district. Every school district has its own designated PowerSchool URL, or webpage. Type the PowerSchool URL into the address bar of your browser and press “Enter.”

Is Schoology owned by PowerSchool? ›

PowerSchool has completed its acquisition of Schoology!

This collaboration brings together best-in-class products to further our vision of supporting all educators with personalized learning functionality to improve education outcomes for every student.

Does Schoology cost money? ›

There's the free and the enterprise version, in which pricing varies per implementation, the cost per student being $10, and it is a one-time fee. Schoology is free to educators in K-12 public and private schools, colleges and universities worldwide.

Can I link PowerSchool to Google Classroom? ›

Google classrooms are automatically synced with PowerSchool classes. A teacher will see the classroom in Google Classroom as long as they are set up as a lead teacher in PowerSchool.

Why is my Schoology not syncing to PowerSchool? ›

First, make sure that you have set up your Schoology gradebook to synchronize grades with PowerSchool. Make sure the categories in your Schoology course exactly match the categories in your PowerTeacher gradebook. Second, make sure you have entered a due date in the Schoology assignment.

What is my PowerSchool username? ›

Students simply enter their STUDENT ID and STUDENT PASSWORD printed on the bottom of the PowerSchool letter to access their information. This is their permanent username and password.

What is a PowerSchool password login? ›

PowerSchool logins are granted by schools and districts. Each school will verify your identity before giving you an account to help protect student data and privacy. From there, you can log in to your school or district's respective portal.

How do I change my teacher on PowerSchool? ›

Change the Lead Teacher:
  1. Click Add to open a second teacher line.
  2. Select the new Lead Teacher from the drop-down menu.
  3. Adjust the Start Date and End Date for both teachers – do not leave a gap.
  4. If the previous lead teacher was a placeholder, eg a DSO, you can remove entirely by clicking the minus symbol.
Aug 1, 2022

Is PowerSchool owned by Apple? ›

It was sold to Apple in 2001. The company was then sold again in 2006 — this time to the global education corporation Pearson. And in 2015, Pearson sold PowerSchool to Vista Equity Partners for $350 million cash. Another private equity firm, Onex Corp., purchased a stake in PowerSchool from Vista Equity in 2018.

How old is Schoology? ›

Schoology Overview

Schoology was founded in 2007 by Jeremy Friedman, Ryan Hwang, and Tim Trinidad while they were undergraduates at the University of St. Louis.

Can parents see Schoology? ›

Having a Parent account in Schoology is actually like having two accounts: Your personal account, with your own name and information. Your Child Activity display. From here, you can access Schoology from your child's perspective—access what they access and receive updates about their activity.

Does Schoology have GPA? ›

Schoology Grade Manager is a chrome extension that offers quality of life updates to Schoology, allowing you to access your grades remotely for convenient viewing. It also includes a GPA calculator that you can use to calculate your GPA automatically, for more convenience.

Does Schoology detect cheating? ›

Yes, Schoology can detect cheating through its plagiarism checker, but this is open to other factors.

Why does Schoology exist? ›

Schoology is a versatile Learning Management System used by school districts, educators, and students to enhance the learning experience and streamline communication. Teachers rely on Schoology to create and share resources, post assignments, and assess student progress.

How do I link my student account to PowerSchool? ›

Once you sign in to the web portal, you should be able to see the Account Preferences on the left menu. Click on it. Under Account Preferences, click on the Students tab. Now click on the Add + button and enter the Access ID and password for your student provided by your school or district.

Is naviance connected to PowerSchool? ›

Amplify Performance with PowerSchool's Unified Ecosystem

Empower schools and districts to have a greater impact on students with the integration between Naviance and other PowerSchool products.

How do I link my Schoology course? ›

Schoology - Linking your sections together
  1. Click on the Courses Dropdown.
  2. Click My Courses. (+)
  3. You will need a course that has multiple sections to it.
  4. Click the gear to the far right.
  5. Choose Link Existing Sections.
  6. Select which sections you would like to link.
  7. Click Link Sections.
Jan 22, 2019

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