Price of bread in Canada 2022 | Statista (2024)

The average retail price of bread in Canada was three Canadian dollars per 675 grams in February 2022. The price has remained relatively stable over the survey period, with the average annual price remaining between 2.76 and 2.89 Canadian dollars. However, the price has increased in recent months. The cost of bread hit an all-time high in April 2016 at 3.06 dollars for 675 grams.

The Canadian bread market

Retail sales of bread in Canada reached around 3.53 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, this figure was forecast to increase to around 4.24 billion U.S. dollars by 2022. Sales of packaged or industrial bread clearly outperform those of unpackaged or artisanal bread - in 2017, total sales of unpackaged bread amounted to around 964 million U.S. dollars, whilst sales of packaged bread totaled approximately 2.57 billion U.S. dollars.

International trade

In 2019, the value of bread exported from Canada was almost double that of the amount which they imported. Exports reached around 4.1 billion Canadian dollars, whilst imports were valued at about 2.2 billion Canadian dollars.

Price of bread in Canada 2022 | Statista (2024)
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