The Most Important Line of a Cash Budget (2024)

Building a budget can help a business maintain a cash reserve to fund ongoing operations. A cash budget attempts to forecast future cash flow. A cash budget also helps a business attain spending goals and provides material for a regular examination of how the company is handling cash. Knowing when and how the money comes in and goes out is important in understanding cash flow. For future situations, this planning can prevent critical cash shortages.


  1. Creating a cash budget requires making the best possible estimates of upcoming expenses and income. Prior to establishing the budget, it helps to look at the balance sheet and income statement. Examine revenue and expenses. Knowing the predictability of incoming revenue is important. Evaluating expenses is necessary, because some may be fixed and cyclical, while others may be variable and intermittent. Some forms of income and expense may be one-time only. These too need to be considered if one occurs during the budgeted period.

Components of the Budget

  1. Sections of the cash budget will differ from business to business. Components included could be expenses such as utilities, rents, lease payments, materials, inventory, advertising, shipping, insurance premiums and payroll accounts such as salaries, wages and employee benefits. Most businesses receive cash from sales of products or services. Thus, income listed on the budget could include cash sales, accounts receivable and any other forms of regular income.

Sales Forecast and Accounts Receivable

  1. Estimating what percentage of sales will be cash sales and what percentage will be in accounts receivable at the end of the budget period is important. Studying the company's accounting records can help with forecasting how much the business will collect in accounts receivable over the next 30, 60, or 90 days. The Edward Lowe Foundation, an organization that supports and educates entrepreneurs, states that the most important estimate when creating a cash budget is the sales estimate.Dr. Larry Guin, a former professor of finance at Murray State University calls an accurate sales forecast a "necessity" when creating a cash budget.

Individual Decision

  1. For a business that works only in cash sales, this collection estimate is not relevant. Therefore, although experts agree on the importance of sales estimates, where applicable, what the most important line of a cash budget is then is a subjective opinion based on the particular needs and goals of the company's management and ownership.

The Most Important Line of a Cash Budget (2024)
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