What Are Healthy Signs in the Cash Flow Statement? (2024)

By Tyler Lacoma Updated October 22, 2020

A cash flow statement is one of the most useful markers of a business's ongoing success or struggles, especially for small businesses that need to chart their cash flows carefully and note any changes.

A typical cash flow statement has a simple goal: The report details all income received – and from where – during a specific amount of time. It also shows all expenses during that time, including accounts receivable, any deferred taxes and basic operational fees.

Every cash flow statement ends in a bottom line on how much net income the business made, typically per month. While that bottom line is important, a cash flow statement can say much more about the company's health and ongoing growth, as Business Insider explains. Every small business should pay attention to the following top positive cash flow signs.

A Steady Rise in Cash Flow

Investors and lenders are particularly interested in incoming cash and bottom lines over time. They want to see a business that is experiencing a steady rise in cash flow and a bottom line that stays out of the red for at least several months. This is a sign that the business is mastering its core activities and has found a way to generate reliable revenue while also growing its customer base, which are all good indicators for the future of the company.

There are some caveats, however. A growing business may bring in a lot of cash but spend it all on expansion, so net income numbers may drop during these phases while still being a positive cash flow sign. Also, some industries have inherently seasonal operations, which causes a natural rise and fall in cash flow. It's essential to take all these factors into account for accurate cash flow meaning.

Negative Investment Cash Flow

Investment cash flow refers to all the money the business received from buying or selling long-term assets, such as major equipment. A negative investment cash flow indicates that the company is buying a lot of these assets. This can have a cash flow meaning during growth phases, showing that the business is investing cash back into itself and expanding at a healthy pace.

Investors may also look for asset retention, especially in older companies or during turbulent times. In this case, the company is retaining large assets instead of selling them. Sell-offs can indicate a shrinking company that is losing money or has a contracting customer base, which Business Insider warns can be fatal for today's small businesses.

Diverse Sources of Revenue

Businesses that depend on only one source of revenue can be riskier than businesses that have multiple sources of cash flow. One of the most common examples is having both a brick-and-mortar storefront and an e-commerce site to bring in revenue from different customer bases. Diverse product or service options may also be a positive sign.

Healthy Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents are liquid investments that can quickly be turned into cash at a moment's notice if necessary. Investors like to see cash equivalents because they mean a business is flexible and can respond to emergencies or shifts in strategy quickly while still investing extra cash to create more profit. This cash flow meaning tends to be more important for larger businesses with complex structures and multiple divisions.

Balanced Financing Activity

Cash flow statements also show ongoing transactions with creditors. There are several ways to look at these financing activities: A healthy business often has negative cash flow from financing activities when it's paying off past debts quickly – which builds healthy credit scores – without incurring any new debts.

However, positive cash flows can indicate that a business is taking out more debt and leveraging assets to finance specific kinds of growth, such as investing in a second storefront or expanding factory space. This can be a useful jumping-off point to look at the specific types of debt the business is incurring and where that financing is going within the company.

What Are Healthy Signs in the Cash Flow Statement? (2024)
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