What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 23, 2024

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Low or negative cash flow


High debt-to-equity ratio


Low cash flow margin

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Lack of cash flow forecast


Poor cash flow reporting


No cash flow policies or controls


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Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. It measures how much money is coming in and going out of your operations, and how well you can meet your financial obligations and goals. But managing cash flow is not always easy, especially when you face unexpected challenges or opportunities. If you want to avoid cash flow problems that can hurt your business performance and reputation, you need to be aware of some red flags or warning signs that indicate poor cash flow management. Here are some of them and how to address them.

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  • Radhika Dixit Treasury and CFO Guru | Champion of Continuous Improvement

    What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (3) 5

  • Anita NGONO© Financial Markets Engineer 📈💻 | Project Manager🖇 | Optimizing business processes and performance for Corporate and…

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  • Raul Ramos Financial Executive in Agribusiness. Expert in industries: Retail, Manufacturing, Steel, Financial. Subexpertises:…

    What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (8) 2

What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (9) What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (10) What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (11)

1 Low or negative cash flow

One of the most obvious signs of poor cash flow management is having low or negative cash flow. This means that you are spending more money than you are earning, or that your cash inflows are delayed or inconsistent. Low or negative cash flow can result from various factors, such as poor sales, high expenses, late payments, overstocking, or underpricing. To improve your cash flow, you need to analyze your income statement and balance sheet, and identify the sources and causes of your cash flow gaps. Then, you can implement strategies to increase your revenue, reduce your costs, collect your receivables faster, manage your inventory better, and negotiate better terms with your suppliers and customers.

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  • Radhika Dixit Treasury and CFO Guru | Champion of Continuous Improvement

    Consistently experiencing low or negative cash flow is a clear indicator of inadequate cash flow management. It indicates difficulties in meeting daily expenses, posing a risk of financial instability. My primary responsibility involves closely forecasting and monitoring the cash flow of diverse industries with distinct financial requirements. This involves identifying inefficiencies and implementing corrective actions to address cash shortfalls, aiming to maintain a positive cash flow.

  • Having low or negative cash flow can signal significant challenges in financial management. It indicates that expenses exceed earnings or that cash inflows are irregular. This may stem from issues like sluggish sales, excessive expenses, delayed payments, inventory mismanagement, or pricing inadequacy. To rectify this, start by scrutinizing your income statement and balance sheet to pinpoint the root causes of cash flow discrepancies. Implement measures such as boosting revenue streams, trimming costs, expediting receivables collection, optimizing inventory, and negotiating favorable terms with stakeholders. By addressing these factors, you can bolster cash flow and fortify your financial health.

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2 High debt-to-equity ratio

Another sign of poor cash flow management is having a high debt-to-equity ratio. This means that you are relying too much on borrowed money to finance your business, and that your equity is not enough to cover your liabilities. A high debt-to-equity ratio can indicate that you are overleveraged, or that you are not generating enough profits to service your debt. This can increase your risk of default, insolvency, or bankruptcy, and affect your credit rating and reputation. To lower your debt-to-equity ratio, you need to reduce your debt, increase your equity, or both. You can do this by paying off your loans faster, refinancing your debt at lower interest rates, increasing your retained earnings, or raising more capital from investors or shareholders.

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  • Anita NGONO© Financial Markets Engineer 📈💻 | Project Manager🖇 | Optimizing business processes and performance for Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) and financial services🏛

    Renégocier les termes de la dette existante peut offrir un soulagement immédiat en termes de flux de trésorerie. Cela peut inclure l'extension des échéances, la réduction des taux d'intérêt, ou la conversion de certains types de dettes en instruments à moindre coût.



    What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (37) What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (38) 4

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  • recognizing the implications of a high debt-to-equity ratio, understanding associated risks, and taking proactive steps to improve your financial position are crucial for ensuring the long-term success and viability of your business.


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3 Low cash flow margin

A third sign of poor cash flow management is having a low cash flow margin. This means that you are not generating enough cash flow from your core business activities, and that you are dependent on external sources of cash, such as financing or investing. A low cash flow margin can indicate that your business is not efficient, profitable, or sustainable, and that you are vulnerable to market fluctuations or changes in interest rates. To increase your cash flow margin, you need to improve your operating cash flow, which is the difference between your cash inflows and outflows from your daily operations. You can do this by increasing your sales volume, improving your pricing strategy, optimizing your production process, or reducing your operating expenses.

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4 Lack of cash flow forecast

A fourth sign of poor cash flow management is having a lack of cash flow forecast. This means that you are not planning ahead for your future cash needs and expectations, and that you are not prepared for any contingencies or opportunities. A lack of cash flow forecast can lead to missed deadlines, lost customers, missed opportunities, or cash shortages. To avoid these consequences, you need to create a cash flow forecast, which is a projection of your cash inflows and outflows for a certain period, based on your historical data, assumptions, and goals. A cash flow forecast can help you anticipate your cash flow gaps, identify your cash flow drivers, and adjust your cash flow strategies accordingly.

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  • It is very important to plan ahead your cash flow. Consider collections, other sources of income and how much are you able to recover in an specific period (you could work with 12 weeks ahead, but this metric depends a lot of the industry), also consider which expenses are more critic to maintain (basic ones) and which ones are you able to push a little bit maintaining a good relationship with your suppliers. It is important also to consider some discounts in order to make early payments to vendors and obtain an small percentage that can help you offset the cost of your interests a little bit.


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5 Poor cash flow reporting

A fifth sign of poor cash flow management is having poor cash flow reporting. This means that you are not monitoring, measuring, or communicating your cash flow performance and position, and that you are not using the right tools or metrics to do so. Poor cash flow reporting can result in inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information, which can affect your decision-making, accountability, and transparency. To improve your cash flow reporting, you need to use a cash flow statement, which is a financial statement that shows how much cash you have generated and used during a specific period, and how it has affected your cash balance. A cash flow statement can help you evaluate your liquidity, solvency, profitability, and efficiency, and compare them with your budget, forecast, or industry benchmarks.

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  • You need to track cash flow regularly in order to maintain a healthy financial position of the company. Communication is key to shareholders, in order to understand if there is a cash flow constraint and being able to decide as a team what to do. Prioritizing is important, while a good communication is also very important to maintain good relationships.


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6 No cash flow policies or controls

A sixth sign of poor cash flow management is having no cash flow policies or controls. This means that you are not setting any rules, standards, or procedures for managing your cash flow, and that you are not enforcing them or reviewing them regularly. No cash flow policies or controls can result in inconsistencies, errors, fraud, or mismanagement of your cash resources. To prevent these issues, you need to establish and implement cash flow policies and controls, which are guidelines and measures that define how you handle your cash transactions, records, accounts, and reports. Cash flow policies and controls can help you ensure compliance, accuracy, security, and accountability of your cash flow management.

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  • Anita NGONO© Financial Markets Engineer 📈💻 | Project Manager🖇 | Optimizing business processes and performance for Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) and financial services🏛

    La mise en place de politiques de flux de trésorerie commence par la définition claire des responsabilités. Qui est en charge de la gestion des encaissem*nts ? Qui doit approuver les dépenses ? Sans des rôles bien définis, le risque d'erreurs ou de fraudes augmente significativement. Il est donc essentiel d'attribuer des responsabilités spécifiques à des individus ou à des équipes, et de veiller à ce que ces responsabilités soient clairement comprises et respectées.



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7 Here’s what else to consider

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What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? (2024)


What are some red flags or warning signs of poor cash flow management? ›

However, if your cash flow becomes irregular, you may be facing a financial red flag. Irregular cash flows can occur for a number of reasons, including paying too much in taxes, mismanaging your accounts receivables, and unexpected expenses.

What are red flags on a cash flow statement? ›

However, if your cash flow becomes irregular, you may be facing a financial red flag. Irregular cash flows can occur for a number of reasons, including paying too much in taxes, mismanaging your accounts receivables, and unexpected expenses.

What is a red flag in financial statements? ›

A red flag is a warning or an indication that the stock, financial statements, or news reports of business pose a possible issue or a threat. Red flags can be any undesirable characteristic which makes an analyst or investor stand out.

How do you identify cash flow problems? ›

Let's look at some common cash flow issues and how cash flow management and sound accounting practices can help you manage your money:
  1. Lack of cash reserves.
  2. Expensive borrowing.
  3. Decreasing sales or profit margins.
  4. Outstanding receivables.
  5. Uncontrolled business growth.
  6. Too much inventory or seasonal changes in demand.
Sep 11, 2023

Which is an example of a business that failed because of cash problems? ›

Final answer: An example of a business that failed because of cash problems is when clothing corporations shut down their U.S. factories and relocated to China. This is due to the businesses' inability to make enough money to sustain their operations in the United States.

What are the effects of poor cash flow? ›

Poor cash flow management can lead to delayed vendor payments, missed growth opportunities, increased debt, and reduced employee morale. To address these challenges, businesses must identify cash flow issues early, implement strategies to improve cash flow, and utilize the right tools and resources.

What are three red flags with regard to cash transactions? ›

Unusual transactions

Firms should look out for activity that is inconsistent with their expected behavior, such as large cash payments, unexplained payments from a third party, or use of multiple or foreign accounts. These are all AML red flags.

What is one way to spot red flags in companies financials? ›

If it seems to be growing in an inconsistent way, that should be a red flag. Investors should look at the firm's income statements for previous periods, including the last quarter and the last year, to see if there is a sudden and unexplained change in its revenues that isn't accounted for by its cash flows.

How do you identify a red flag in a company? ›

Red flags of potentially bad work environments include:
  1. Unclear expectations.
  2. Poor communication.
  3. Strict hierarchy.
  4. Excessive overtime.
  5. Micromanagement.
  6. Unhealthy competition.
  7. Ineffective leadership.
  8. Undervalued employees.
Sep 25, 2023

What are red flag conditions? ›

A Red Flag Warning means warm temperatures, very low humidities, and stronger winds are expected to combine to produce an increased risk of fire danger.

What is poor cash flow? ›

1 Low or negative cash flow

This means that you are spending more money than you are earning, or that your cash inflows are delayed or inconsistent. Low or negative cash flow can result from various factors, such as poor sales, high expenses, late payments, overstocking, or underpricing.

What are the five main causes of cash flow problems? ›

5 Biggest Causes of Cash Flow Problems
  • Avoiding Emergency Funds. Businesses — like individuals — need to be prepared for the unexpected. ...
  • Not Creating a Budget. ...
  • Receiving Late Customer Payments. ...
  • Uncontrolled Growth. ...
  • Not Paying Yourself a Salary.
May 3, 2023

What are the three main causes of cash flow problems? ›

The main causes of cash flow problems are:
  • Low profits or (worse) losses.
  • Over-investment in capacity.
  • Too much stock.
  • Allowing customers too much credit.
  • Overtrading.
  • Unexpected changes.
  • Seasonal demand.
Mar 22, 2021

What are the basic problems in the cash management? ›

Typically, a poor understanding of the cash flow cycle, profit versus cash, lack of cash management skills, and bad capital investments are the reasons for failing at cash management.

What are examples of cash flow problems? ›

Cash-flow problems - Key takeaways

Cash flow problems are when the net cash flow in a business is negative. The effects of cash flow problems may include late or unpaid debts, an inability to pay suppliers or staff wages, and an inability to buy inventory.

Why might a business have poor cash flow? ›

Accounts Payable – causes of poor cash flow

Some business owners: fail to put enough money aside to cover taxes (e.g. VAT or GST) fail to forecast and budget for their future costs effectively. fail to budget properly for materials costs and fixed costs on client projects.

What are the common mistakes in cash flow statement? ›

Some common mistakes that can lead to cash flow issues include forced growth, miscalculation of profits, insufficient planning for a lean period or crisis, problems collecting payments and more.

What should not be included in a cash flow statement? ›

Format of a cash flow statement

Operational business activities include inventory transactions, interest payments, tax payments, wages to employees, and payments for rent. Any other form of cash flow, such as investments, debts, and dividends are not included in this section.

What are the good signs on a cash flow statement? ›

The bulk of the positive cash flow stems from cash earned from operations, which is a good sign for investors. It means that core operations are generating business and that there is enough money to buy new inventory. The purchasing of new equipment shows that the company has the cash to invest in itself.

What is an example of a red flag about the source of funds? ›

Common red flags include large cash transactions, structuring transactions to avoid reporting thresholds, rapid movement of funds, unusual customer activity, lack of business justification, dealing with non-resident customers or Politically Exposed Persons, offshore transactions, unregistered or unlicensed entities, ...

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